UR6ZVUZ5004SYM7PK( Pre )

Date: 2023-12-17 23:39:31
Vehicle: Audi A4 2009
License Plate: UNM-324
Mileage: 500
Inspection Conducted By: Admin

Comparison Summary:
This report provides a comparison between the pre-rental and post-rental condition of the Audi A4 2009 vehicle, focusing on changes and new damages identified through AI analysis of photos taken by the app.

1. Damage Status:

Body Condition and Exterior state

none : 0

This pre-inspection report provides a visual assessment of the Audi A4 2009 vehicle's condition as of 2023-12-17 23:39:31, based on user-uploaded photos and AI analysis. It is designed to identify obvious and surface-level damages or issues. For a comprehensive mechanical inspection, a professional vehicle check is recommended.

Inspector's Signature :

Date :